Takenet 10km Race

10 km Race

  • All single runners, companies, teams, friends and families are welcome to join the 10 km race sponsored by TakeNet.
  • All participants start together and have the opportunity to experience the event of starting and home strait together as one team.
  • The tracks length is 10 km and takes in most parts the regular Half Marathon track along the most important sights of the city.
  • Finish is in front of the Congress Centre Würzburg (CCW) (start and end are the same as Marathon/Half Marathon).

Services Offered

  • Length: precisely 10 km
  • Start und finish same like HM/M/Walking
  • Common start at 09:00 a.m.
  • Hot showers
  • Registration individually online via internet, important: same team-name
  • Timekeeping with ChampionChip
  • Indvidual times accessable via internet
  • Photos for all athletes as a memory

Track TakeNet 10km Race

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Entry fees

Register now and be part of it.