Starting Documents
Confirmation of RegistrationAfter the Online-Registration you'll automatically receive a confirmation of registration. Please take this document to the racing numbers distribution desk.
If you didn't receive a confirmation of registration (e.g. if you register offline) it is sufficient if you bring your ID-card and tell your racing number. On the Marathon Weekend you'll bring your confirmation of registration to thedistribution of racing numbers at the WVV-Marathon-Expo at the Congress Centrum Würzburg (CCW) and you'll get your starting documents in return.
Opening Hours
Saturday 10:00 am – 7:00 pm WVV Marathon-Expo at CCW
Sunday 06:30 am – 3:00 pm WVV Marathon-Expo at CCW
Deadline for all Races: two weeks before the event starts
After this deadline registration is only possible on the Marathon Weekend. For relay races you can't register on the Marathon Weekend.Merchandise
Order with your registration.

The breathable functional shirt can be pre-ordered for 27 euros upon registration.
We care about your health.
Health Information
To support your start in your physcial activity in the best way and to prevent a endangerment of health we ask you to fill in the GermanRoadRaces questionnaire. The data will be documented by the "Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln". You'll get the evaluation of your data at the end of the questionnaire. Please take two minutes to protect your health!Pay attention to the GRR-questionnaire BEFORE your registration
Take care of an appropriate training condition. A participation in an intensive preparatory course with consideration of training organization, nutrition and rules of conduct is advisable before, during and after the competition. Close to the race you should have a health check at a specialist.
For any quastions and unclarities please contact:
Mika timing GmbH
Kürtener Str. 11b
51465 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: 0 22 02 / 24 01 134
Fax: 0 22 02 / 24 01 234
Mika timing GmbH
Kürtener Str. 11b
51465 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: 0 22 02 / 24 01 134
Fax: 0 22 02 / 24 01 234
Event Conditions
You will not have any claim for reimbursement. It is, however, possible to cover this risk by taking out an entry fee cancellation insurance for an extra fee of 5,– €. In case of illness, severe accident, death or loss of employment, the entry fee will be reimbursed.
Only by one-time direct debiting authorization or Euro Cheque. Registrations, for which the participation fee is not credited at the same time, will not be processed. Payment in cash or by wire transfer possible.
Any registration will only be valid, if the participant has completely filled-out and signed the registration form or completed the online registration form. For minors and students, documents of any kind require to be signed by a parent/guardian. For the Team Scoring it is mandatory to fill out the „Association“ field. Associations are asked to provide their members' registrations jointly and with identical association names.
The race takes place in all weathers. You can change your registration until the deadline (plus possible higher entry fees, there won't be an reimbursement). On the Marathon Weekend there will be a fee for changing your registration of 5,- €.
Conditions of Participation
The Stadtmarathon Würzburg is organized according to the Rules and Regulations of the Deutsche Leichtathletikverband and is open for male and female runners (marathon: 18 years of age; half marathon: 16 years of age, and older, respectively). There will be a Team Scoring (m/f) as of three participants upwards. Categories: Men/Women (separate rankings); categories as per age groups according to DLO regulation. Special Ratings (see awards).
This is to inform you that starting from this year’s marathon the Wuerzburg-Marathon will not grant any benefits for runners from foreign countries. There will be no price moneys paid to the winners, and no invitations for visa application will be issued.
This is to inform you that starting from this year’s marathon the Wuerzburg-Marathon will not grant any benefits for runners from foreign countries. There will be no price moneys paid to the winners, and no invitations for visa application will be issued.